Tibet is situated between the two ancient civilizations of China and India, separated from the former by the mountain ranges to the east of the Tibetan plateau and from the latter by the towering Himalayas. Tibet is nick-named "the roof of the world" or "the land of the snow". The largest natural region in Tibet is the Northern plateau or Chang Tang, which covers about half of Tibet total surface area and is delineated in the west by the great Karakoram range, in the north by the wall of the Asian Tags and in the northeast by the Nan Shan range. The Outer Plateau is a narrow strip with the Himalayas forming the southern boundary. It is the most populous part of Tibet. The South Eastern Plateau comprises only one-tenth of the total area of Tibet and forests are very much characteristics of this region. Voyage exceptional associates their great spaces of the Western Tibetan, the MT Kailash which is the most crowned mountain of Asia, center universe for Buddhists and Hindus, for the glamorous ones of the impassioned trekking and Tibetan culture, which is one of the most adventurous voyages of all north Himalayan.