The flow of raft along witht the flow of water gives you the amaazing lifetime experience. When you crash through fearsome rapids and atrocious waves at the time of high flow, you feel the real adventure of life.

At the beginning, first timers on the white water might be little bit apprehensive but later their confidency makes the rafting more exciting. Rafting on class 1 to class 3 river is comparatively easier, so people who are active and more confident prefer to raft on class 4 river to have more excitement.

Rafting the rivers of Nepal is an ideal way of escaping the trappings of everyday life. Nepal's rivers are second to none, originating from the glaciers of the worlds highest mountains, they plunge through towering gorges and forested foothills before the more tranquil journey along the Ganges plain on their way to the Bay of Bengal. Rivers here are regarded as goddesses, and are included in a number of Hindu and Buddhist religious rituals. You may be lucky to witness a river festival during your trip.

Nepal Rafting.There is plenty of white water to keep the adrenaline high, with more tranquil stretches in between allowing time to reflect on the abundance of natural beauty. Camping overnight on the banks of the river in two person tents often around a campfire made from driftwood. All necessary equipment is provided and each rafting team is led by one of our experienced Nepali leaders. Rafting experience is not necessary unless stated in the itinerary.

Nepalese rivers can be grouped into three categories on the basis of their origin:

1. Antecedent to the Himalayas
2. Below the Mahabharat
3. Below the Churia range

The major river systems-- the Koshi, the Karnali and the Gandaki-- belong to the first group. Rivers originating from the Mahabharat Range, those which cut through Churia hills, come under the second group. These include the Karnali, Bagmati, Kamala. The third group of rivers originate from the southern face of the Churia hills. We run rafting expeditions on the following river routes:

Explore more trips

Travelling in Nepal is not only because of popularity of trekking activity. It's because of explorer achievement in Himalaya which will make you proud your self and give you life time satisfaction.

Our tailor-made trips are specifically designed for you to have more space in your holidays where you can get the most for the least possible time you have.